
imdad Digitization in the Social Distancing Period

CEO message


I am Tamer Wali, the CEO of Imdad.

I hope that you and your loved ones are well and in good health.

During this period of social distancing, I wanted to reach out to you and preserve our communication channels. I do so in the spirit of our long relationships built over 30 years. A journey in which we have been, together, blessed with many opportunities and faced many challenges that only enriched our experience and annealed our determination to persevere, prosper and succeed.

Until we overcome inshallah this current challenge, and during this period of “Stay at home”, my guess is that we are all looking at how best to invest this time at hand.
We would like to contribute to this endeavor by helping you to invest your time and the time of your medical team in expanding your treatment capabilities; by polishing up your technical knowledge, growing your treatment options and expounding on your clinical expertise on your Imdad technologies.

Today, I invite you to remotely join our varied educational and training programs as detailed below.

Our digital vision

5 years ago, we foresaw a dramatic change in methods of work and communication between suppliers and doctors as well as between doctors and patients. And as such, we embarked on a digital transformation journey, building a number of digital technologies and platforms to enable you to enhance your business, increase your efficiency and freeing your time for what matters the most to you; offering the best medical care to your patients.

There is no doubt that the current circumstances call for an acceleration in utilizing these digital technologies and platforms in our communication, learning and remote working. Thus, in addition to our digital platforms and channels that you have come to use and trust over the last couple of years, we are launching in the coming couple of days new visual and audio channels on our website that will offer more effective modes of communication between us.

I hope that these new offerings will support you to benefit during this period, which, we pray to God, will soon be over.

Until we see each other in person again, I wish you safety and health.

Webinars' program

A live educational webinar will run as follows:

  • 6 April: GentleLase Pro Series
  • 13 April: Picoway Laser
  • 22 April: VBeam
  • 27 April: Lasemd
  • 4 May: Ultraformer

And a recorded educational webinar with a live Q&A session will run as follows:

  • 9 April: Nordlys
  • 30 April: Genius
  • 7 May: eCO2

Full details will be announced separately in due time.